The high-profit-margin-easy-to-make item is the holy grail of anyone who makes things, whether you do it for a living or for extra income. But I have some sad news for you. The successful items out there that hit the sweet spot of easy to make and inexpensive to produce typically comes from years of making stuff that is exactly the opposite. Working at cheap and easy as a marketing approach is a waste of time for artists.
When I first started making a living off of my work back around 2000, I didn't have many pieces that were under $100. My work was labor intensive and expensive. So labor intensive and expensive that selling it wholesale was really not possible, though I tried to do it anyway, and quickly burned myself down to the ground try to re-create pieces that were really meant to be one-of-a-kinds.
Slowly, over a period of years, I worked on simplifying my approach to the pieces I made, both to fulfill wholesale goals and to scale back on my 60 hour week. From design to production method, every item I made was scrutinized and modified to increase my efficiency. Lots of pieces were dropped from my production line because there was no way to re-create them for a production market, which is about 80% of what I do. And this brings me to the cupcake stand, which is one of my all-time bestselling items, is easy to make, and under $50.

The lesson is that I just didn't come up with the cupcake stand randomly. It took about 3 years to get from cake stand to cupcake stand. The cupcake stand is a distillation of a bigger idea. So if I were to re-write the marketing advice I started out with--dream up an item that is inexpensive and easy to make, then sit back and watch as the money rolls in-- it would look something like this:
Dream up a lot of items you love to make. Take your time making them and learn how to make them perfectly. Sell them for as much money as you possibly can. As you work on your pieces, think about how you can simplify the best pieces you make. Maybe, someday, you will come up with something that resonates and lots of people can afford. Then, watch the money roll in!