I think my time in Japan really changed my brain in several ways. To honor this I’m changing the look of my blog. I’
ve been really happy with how it looked until recently; all

of the sudden it seemed stale. Do you like it? I do. I may not stick with these colors—I’m having a bout of insomnia right now and when I wake up in the morning these colors might be more than I can handle. But at 3:30 in the morning it looks pretty good!
One thing that has been different lately is I have been a lot more patient with myself and my work. I know from experience that everything in the studio takes a lot longer than you ever think it will. I know this, but I’
ve always fought it, always pushing for things to go faster than they possibly can and getting all worked up about it. I’
ve noticed since I’
ve been back that I seem to be okay with giving everything the amount of time it needs and not having an expectation that it should be any different than it is.
For example, I’
ve started to think about how all the elements that make my business run are just as important as making a pot, and that includes

answering the phone, paying my bills, filing paperwork, taking photos, and following up with clients. I don’t always do these things
conscientiously because I often find them to be annoying distractions from my work. Once I accept these things as vital and important rather than annoying, I don’t feel as bothered going through the motions of doing it. I’m giving the task the time it needs and then getting back to what I really want to do: make pots. And I work better knowing that I’
ve done the things that enables me to make pots everyday.